This past week was a good one for me. No, I take that back. It was grand. I killed 4 poker games in succession. I feel like my game is growing slowly out of a stale swamp. Now, that swamp is still growing the green, but I didn't feel like I was moving closer to the point where I could move up (play against tougher opponents). I've been reading posts from msnl'ers and hsnl'ers (middle/high stakes no limit players). I feel like I'm starting to grasp a little more of what they are saying and learning to apply them.
I think I've figured out why I tilt so hard against (I'll call him DJ because he is a DJ) DJ too! I need to work on keeping my blood sugar levels up and I'm thinking of instituting a 2.5hr rule in live games. Maybe I'll eat/drink something (fruit/veggies; OJ/energy drink) every hour or 45 min to do that.
The best posts of the first half of 2009
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