Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eloquence, good reading

The ability to articulate has always been a challenge for me. It seemed for a while that I could not communicate in any real clear form (mainly HS and into college). This has since changed some, but not a lot. My end goal doesn't really exist. I desire to work. I want to continue laboring in my quest of becoming more and more articulate. (So I guess I should try to stop swearing so much! HAH!)

This morning I feel the desire to read something inspiring. I'm not surrounded by inspiration. I understand that few people are. To the contrary, we are engulfed in dirt and depression. I found myself actually reading a news article! (linky) The news has become so negative that you have to dig to find something even remotely positive. For this reason, I have basically quit reading the news. It's usually something like "Disaster on Wall Street Thickens" or "Experts say we are screwed" or "Another kid went crazy with a howitzer!" I'm good. I don't really care to hear about that. I WOULD like to read things that are positive and encouraging. (I know, I'm just crazy! Who would want to read such silliness?!)

Anyway, backish on point. If you have something that you have found inspiring, please send it to me! Maybe I can do a reply post for each or just a compilation of what you guys send me. This can also include a passage from a book you enjoyed. Just make sure that you include pertinent info (title, author, page number, et al).


  1. So the link I just sent you is for a Cafe I heard of just a few days ago. Its something that touched my heart in a way that few things do.

  2. I read this right after I made that post. It made my day.

  3. I try to share silly/interesting-but-not-depressing things on google reader...
