I think that I have found one of the bigger roadblocks between democrats and republicans. Every time I hear a rep talk of trying to talk to a dem about politics, they say the same thing. You can't get a word in edgewise and even if you do, they won't listen to you. It's their way and that's it. There isn't even a highway. Typically, dems are so hard up on their ideas that they cannot listen. I tend to agree with this. However, I think it applies to reps too. They are just quieter and more "ethical" about it.
Alright, let's look at the mortgage limit. It was at 10 and now it's at 4. I'm not sure who oversees that (I'd guess the FED, but IDK). So let's say we have a businessman. He is an investor. For all practical purposes, that is all he does (for our example). He has 200 properties currently. He has 70 mortgages and owns 130 of the properties out right. Say he has $250,000 in cash and liquid assets. That isn't enough to buy a house outright. However, that is enough to put down several down payments and get a solid start on a mortgage (or three).
Being in the real estate business (read: working in a RE office as I'm not a broker), I keep hearing about how this is such a buyer's market. Rates are low on a historic level; equity is low vs likely future values; there are tons of properties being listed and put into the for sale databases/being foreclosed.
Now, put that cap on at 4. You can no longer get ANY financing for even well leveraged and backed projects. Your credit score is 912? Nope. You can back the project with 75% capital? Nope. This has stopped many development projects. You are this guy. What do you do? You can't invest in the most tangible investment in existence. The stock markets are a bit sketchy.
I look for venture capital opportunities. I'm looking for people similar to myself who want to start businesses that provide essentials to living that have solid business foundations. I'm looking at people looking to start a Costco, a grocery store, a Sam's. If I can help start one of these businesses with $150,000 of my cash/etc and some partners, I will have made a solid investment that creates a ton of jobs. Why not a $20k tax credit to business that are expanding and growing or even a new business! I'm sure there are more than a few small businesses that are looking to get off of the ground.
What would make it easier for me? People need to live. They need essentials: housing, food, a job. They will find ways to have fun past that. It is not my concern. I would like to see things loosened up for people looking to make things happen for these three priorities. Mr Obama, ease regulation for these people. Please!
I just saw an ad the other night on the internet somewhere. I think it was an Allstate ad. This company started in 1931. Who can say that? They have focused on "the basics." Our economy has been so bloated with saturated fatty acids like the formalities of advertising and making things bigger and more *fill in the blank*. Let's look at making milk cheaper; flour; beef. Let's get back to basics.
Do you see what I did there? I looked at the problem from a citizen's perspective. I looked at a possible solution. I talked it out. I really haven't read much about it all (other than some stuff to become educated enough to write the previous couple of posts). I didn't say that this group had got it right and this group had it wrong. There was no dem or rep. I took a problem that has been talked about and just thought things out. People seem to judge too much and too often. Please stop.
side note: The democrats seem to be more educated about things, but I'm not sure which is more focused on actually solving the problem(s); if either group is.
another side note: a good link I just found (